Irregularities in Makrolon Sheets

This is where record cutters raise questions about cutting, and trade wisdom and experiment results. We love Scully, Neumann, Presto, & Rek-O-Kut lathes and Wilcox-Gay Recordios (among others). We are excited by the various modern pro and semi-pro systems, too, in production and development. We use strange, extinct disc-based dictation machines. And other stuff, too.

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Irregularities in Makrolon Sheets

Post: # 40168Post FFrankensteinRecords
Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:49 pm

I keep finding what appears to be little bubbles or pits in the surface of brand new blanks.
I can't decide if this is a product of the production process or improper handling/storage from my supplier, or even something else I'm not thinking of.
Anybody else experience this? Is it just something that must be dealt with?
I'm trashing alot of otherwise perfectly good blanks because of this and it sucks.
I've had some little success melting out the smaller imperfections with a torch lighter, but it's time consuming and delicate, and if it's not done right it ruins the blank completely.
Using Makrolon by the way.

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Re: Irregularities in blanks

Post: # 40213Post tragwag
Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:42 am

I can't say I've ever had that issue.
Though I have had sheets come not perfectly flat, which gets worse after cutting into circles.
making lathe cuts on a Presto 6N, HIFI stereo cuts on vinylrecorder
at Audio Geography Studios, Providence, RI USA

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