Incredible nice Lyrec pictures

This is where record cutters raise questions about cutting, and trade wisdom and experiment results. We love Scully, Neumann, Presto, & Rek-O-Kut lathes and Wilcox-Gay Recordios (among others). We are excited by the various modern pro and semi-pro systems, too, in production and development. We use strange, extinct disc-based dictation machines. And other stuff, too.

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Incredible nice Lyrec pictures

Post: # 64649Unread post tape
Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:08 pm

beauty !!
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Re: Incredible nice Lyrec pictures

Post: # 64652Unread post markrob
Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:12 pm

Wow! Thanks for posting!


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Re: Incredible nice Lyrec pictures

Post: # 64654Unread post zdenek
Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:46 pm

Nice photos indeed.
However, the control system is very outdated, I dare say that these two controller cabinets weighing at least 100 kg can nowadays be replaced with a stereo system with much greater efficiency and possibilities and with much lower distortions, and such a modern system can be fit into a package of putes number eight weighing 20 kg, right?

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Re: Incredible nice Lyrec pictures

Post: # 64775Unread post tape
Thu May 02, 2024 6:55 am

btw - these are hi-res if you click the images, amazing detail

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