Ayima A07 power amp as a cutting amp

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Ayima A07 power amp as a cutting amp

Post: # 61748Unread post 12bitcuts
Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:24 pm

Saw this compact power amp on Amazon.
Wondering if anything about this amp would make it unsuitable as a cutting amp for small lathe setups.
Has lots of good reviews and can be upgraded (OpAmp + PS).


Currently on sale w/ $10 coupon.
With included power supply can do 78W per channel @ 4ohms.
That is way more than my cutterhead needs so it seems up to the task.

Any thoughts?

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Re: Ayima A07 power amp as a cutting amp

Post: # 61750Unread post markrob
Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:18 am


Looks like it uses a TPA3255 which can support the power they are claiming as long as you provide the proper external power supply. These class D amps are quite cheap now and it should work fine if the the design and build quality is sound. I'd give it a shot. Let us know how it works out for you if you end up purchasing.


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