9-1065 MEISSNER - before i start on ripppping

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9-1065 MEISSNER - before i start on ripppping

Post: # 40702Unread post 130db
Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:14 pm

( the" before i start on rippping " is a reference to the skinny puppy song TESTURE, which is a sample from the movie PLague Dogs. )

so i have a 9-1065 Meissner in what i think is pretty fantastic shape. the motor runs perfect and makes no noises all the lights light up, all the peices are here ( no mics ) - however only one tube lights up orange. so i might need to retube.

HOWEVER - i wanted to get an opinion on a couple things before i start sinking alot of time and money into it.

#1 - i read some posts on another board i was lurking where they were discussing this meissner and... they really made it sound like even if i get it running factory new that its a Piece of .... - and i gotta say, even though this is for fun, that kinda let some of the air outta my sails on this trip

#2 is there a video or anything on cleaning and lubing the motor? it runs great now, but its from the 1940s, i want to do a maintenance on this whole thing if possible, without damaging things.

#3 is there areny video on dissasembling this thing?

#4 i kind of want to put it into a newer ATA style box, and add an IEC cable port, and add some 1/4" inputs and outputs, is this thing a potential museum piece and i am better off just cleaning it a little ( or should i not rub off the dirt, is taht Patina? )

#5 my day job is actually pretty cool, and i on a daily basis work with people that would be pretty cool to do something with, is this lathe, if restored back to an awesome position, not something actually decent, because you know how it is with talented musicians, if i talk them into something, i can get that one shot, but if it comes out crappy, i will never get a second chance

#6 i VERY MUCH thank anyone that gives input. i like stuff, i LOVE tubes, however, i dont want to be the guy that destroys something rare becuase he wanted to make something to make one off records with of his go nowhere projects

again, thank you any and every one. - eddie

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Re: 9-1065 MEISSNER - before i start on ripppping

Post: # 40716Unread post recordboy
Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:24 am


I don't think your going to "assimilate"
a true 70,000$ cutters sounds.
YET if you look at it like an 80's 12bit sampler & embrace that aspect, you could take it to the street (a play on, I'm sure ya know).

creepyarethepeople unabletodosomething sittingonanarmchair fencedintheircreation lookuptobethere anywhereissomewhere itchypastscratchtheitch

Mono fantastico I say. I'm a huge fan ov lo fi
& making due with what you have.

pitch it as demo tape quality & express that its NOT HIFI

Package the end product extremely well, & you'll be selling to people who don't even own a record player. :)

Tapes are on the comeback even.

I again am a fan ov lofi & some ov my most favorite music is early industrial & ebm demo tapes. The sound ain't where its at for me, it the SOUL which no amount ov mastering or recording trix can emulate. Been my motto & mantra from day one.

That's just me though.

I would love to see pix for the condition, as if its as clean as you say, I would try to be the least invasive with mods. There are always clever & artistic ways to mod things that are clean & easily reversible for restoring back to org. So don't be scared, just cautious & safe, both looks wise & engineering/execution.

"As chilly mac falls to the floor"

Yet others might say, to hell with that thing, its crap, cut it up etc.
Personal perspective really.

hope that helps.


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Re: 9-1065 MEISSNER - before i start on ripppping

Post: # 40735Unread post 130db
Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:04 am

hey thank you for the fantastic response, and yeah, i got the assimilate reference, my favourite SP song actually, lol.

yup, yeah i know tapes are doing well, i released a short run ebm meets noise thing i did on cassette ( i did a minidisk one too, but even now in retrospect there is apparently no love for the MD, haha )

i do very much love and appreciate the old samplers. :-) i have two ensoniq asr-x s that i repaired and use often, along with an emu sp-1200 that i need to finish modding and put the SD card reader in ( has failed floppy drive )

i sorta have been goofing with the lathe in its current state, i did this last year or so. https://soundcloud.com/evilband/000004004-1 - this is a recording from the lathe into my asr-x - with a record on the player, the huge ass needle/nail actuallllly caused a locked groove on the normal record, LOL, and then you here me turning through the AM dial. i cant figure out how to get rid of that low hum though.

i am looking to get the schematic for this meissner and i am *hoping *( fingers cross ) that if i maybe take off the old school non polarized edison and put on a IEC cable and ground to the bottom of the turntable motor it will make the noise go away?

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Re: 9-1065 MEISSNER - before i start on ripppping

Post: # 40736Unread post 130db
Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:08 am

i started up my long dead blog again so i can post pics and stuff of the project as i rip into it.


i think i put a time lapse on too. forgive me if the time lapse sucks, i never did one before. if its not there its on my instagram. youll have to wade through a bazillion boring pictures of goofy backstage nonsense as i am a soundguy / stagehand and i never fail to find silly ways to entertain myself


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Re: 9-1065 MEISSNER - before i start on ripppping

Post: # 40737Unread post recordboy
Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:56 am

Thanks for the linx I for sure will check them out.

You'll find info on here about those machines if you search. also you might dig

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