6 minute recording on a 2 minute cylinder

Anything goes! Inventors! Artists! Cutting edge solutions to old problems. But also non-commercial usage of record cutting. Cost- effective, cost-ineffective, nutso, brilliant, terribly fabulous and sometimes fabulously terrible ideas.

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6 minute recording on a 2 minute cylinder

Post: # 38421Unread post THEVICTROLAGUY
Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:52 am

i have slowed the machine to 60 rpm to see what kind of recording it would make, normal speed of the phonograph is 160 rpm. it is very difficult to make a recording this slow due to increasing wow and flutter. at slow speeds the centrifugal governor becomes woefully inefficient, it relies on high rpm to displace the spring loaded weights. fortunately this Edison motor is able to maintain very stable rpm once it gets warm, the machine will gain 10 rpm as the motor warms and the bearings expand a bit. this is the slowest cylinder recording i have ever made and increased the recording time from 2 minutes to 6 minutes with acceptable results. an interesting and fun experiment...

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Re: 6 minute recording on a 2 minute cylinder

Post: # 38442Unread post EmAtChapterV
Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:17 pm

Interesting that you're using Princess Diana's funeral as a test audio source for an extended recording. I once cut a 16" microgroove transcription of the funeral to see if I could, and to test how long the suction system would run without clogging. Two 33-minute sides, back to back.

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Re: 6 minute recording on a 2 minute cylinder

Post: # 38444Unread post THEVICTROLAGUY
Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:24 pm

i was curious as to why no one posts videos of their recordings. there are lots of videos of cutting but virtually none of playing back the disc, its easy to do with any webcam and existing software, you tube has a feature to record direct from the webcam with any audio source you wish. i built a webcam on a swing arm and tripod, point it and it stays put.

there is a lot of interest in disc recording, i have wanted to branch out into disc recording myself, i like everyone else in the world it seems contacted souri, called him on the phone to make arrangement to buy a vinyl recorder, had the cash and was ready to go to Germany that week, he called me back and said no, i have the recording around here someplace, told me all the machines were frozen and it was too cold, he would contact me, never has, after waiting now two years i must assume he is not going to.

in any case, just curious as to why no one posts videos of all of this, i get email every day from the videos i post on you tube, easy way to get people interested and most are truly curious as how to record a disc, its a pretty elite club you guys belong to...

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Re: 6 minute recording on a 2 minute cylinder

Post: # 38462Unread post EmAtChapterV
Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:16 pm

Here are a couple of mine - one cut, one cast.

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