Any other cutter heads for T560?

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Any other cutter heads for T560?

Post: # 58109Post Teddy
Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:54 am

starting with a story:
I have lathe for few years now, and some time ago I blew up the original head of T560. Since had enough of Souri's "support", tried to do the sin and reverse engineer it by taking it apart. :D After two attempts to build a new one by myself, decided that I wont be able to make one better than the original (altho learned a lot about it) and probably it's better to just buy other one. Also seeking for better frequency response, to make better recordings.
So now I am looking for a dynamic stereo cutter head, that can be adopted to VR. Any suggestions were to look for it? Maybe someone had similar situation and found a way out? Im based in central Europe.
Already browsed the web for cutter heads and all this forum of rebuilding one. Didn't find much. Nightingale is sexy but I don't need feedback and is pricy. Caruso is out. Maybe some other options are available. I have great engineers by my side to help make it work again.
Will appreciate any information. Thanks.

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Re: Any other cutter heads for T560?

Post: # 58115Post soeffingodly
Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:33 pm

MyShank has the Nightengale head like you mentioned. Looks fantastic.

TKV Instruments also has built a nice head but I am not sure if there is an adaptor for the VR to attach it. (I'm bet something could be made)

Sometimes it's just better to send it back to Souri for repair I guess. Sorry about your original head. Good luck.
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Re: Any other cutter heads for T560?

Post: # 58128Post rubenr
Thu Mar 25, 2021 5:06 am

Hi Teddy, I make cutterhead, whit my 3dprinted, whit more bass, and more hithast. This weekend I make one, for one guy in France. Also I can repair your cuttterhead.
Cheers from Seville

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