Hey, sorry about the porn

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Steve E.
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Hey, sorry about the porn

Post: # 44522Unread post Steve E.
Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:40 pm

Or, you're welcome. I'm not sure. I didn't see any of it. A moderator cleaned it up. (Thanks, silent mod!)

To be clear, no, i wasn't "thinking of taking the site in a new direction," though I appreciate Kris D's open-minded suggestion of my options in handling the problem.

Let me know any time anything like this happens, and always send me a link and username. It should be happening a lot less, now that I re-instituted manual sign-ups. But there remain some spam robots, lying in wait, from that period where I was letting people sign themselves up.

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Re: Hey, sorry about the porn

Post: # 44534Unread post greybeard
Fri Oct 28, 2016 11:28 am

Hi Steve,

nor did I -- I only noticed how many times they had been seen. Quite a lot at first and very few at the end. Probably it became boring. But it taught me a bit about what porn distributors call their things.

Best wishes,


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Re: Hey, sorry about the porn

Post: # 44536Unread post piaptk
Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:24 pm

I was thinking that Soniphones "Greasing the Platter Shaft" thread was an example of Porn Spambots being able to customize thread subjects to the forum so as to achieve maximum clicks...
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Steve E.
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Re: Hey, sorry about the porn

Post: # 44580Unread post Steve E.
Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:24 am

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