Scrap Metal "Dealers"

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Scrap Metal "Dealers"

Post: # 18689Unread post mossboss
Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:47 am

Well I am not sure what is happening in and around the world It seems that it has become harder for people as well as turning some desperate
Not so long ago we had a Label oven as well as a few other bits of equipment stolen from our premises in Florida
We certainly know that it was carried out by scrap metal "dealers" who roam the streets in beaten up old trucks looking for anything and everything that they can grab and convert into cash
We also had our back flow preventer removed from our water supply lines so as to turn the 5-6 pounds of brass into cash
An absolute waste of our time as well as the disruption to the operation for no more than may be $50 worth of scrap but hundreds plus the inconvenience so as to replace as well as restore the goods taken illegally
Last week thieves broke into our plant in Melbourne and low and behold the cut off all of the copper piping that was installed at the plant for water steam and other services
Again another $40-50 worth of scrap putting us out of production for 10 odd days as well as around the $1500 to put back right
It seems that it is all over the world as we had similar experiences in the UK with some Nickel masters as well as some vacuum pumps which where stored in our locked up yard space They cut the chains to gather entry Arghhh
Since it has been going on for a while in the UK we have taken precautions so as to prevent it or minimise it
Not sure what to say it appears that people have lost all respect for others property
This completely mindless destruction of installed equipment is causing a lot of unnecessary expense to people as well as infrastructure owners (read the public) around the world besides the privately owned ones
Any one here has had something similar happened to them?
I would like to hear about it

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Post: # 18692Unread post Serif
Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:18 am

Happening here in Cincinnati, Ohio USA. Right across the street from the studio building is a huge Iron and Metal Company, which are accepting scrap metal from anyone with the ability to deliver it to them (no license required). A long line of cars and trucks - many with broken mufflers - waits to have their vehicle weighed before and after drop off. Drive-through fencing of scrap. Most peel off, burning their rubber tyres, with a little gas and beer change for their effort. Large cranes with grabbing claws and even a huge electromagnet pick up the scrap and drop it into freight train cars.

Every once in a while, the police show up over there and sometimes take away file cabinets to see if the business is doing something wrong. This usually stems from people stealing copper from various businesses - even the power company - and it ending up across the street.

Sorry to learn about the problems in Florida and the UK. Down Under is also disappointing news.

Can an alarm be put anywhere?

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Post: # 18693Unread post mossboss
Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:37 am

Yes we have them but these Rodney's Pinchpipes where really smart The put a hole on the wall by knocking the brickwork out ripped as much as they could from the outside without triggering it
I have now rigged up a cattle electric fence device that will give one a shock to remember without any ill effects Like one you get out of a car ignition system
I would love to see their faces when they touch them
If I ever catch the pricks they will feel the wrath of my rubber coated Rod
thats for sure

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Post: # 18694Unread post Serif
Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:22 am

Like that character in There Will Be Blood... "If you have a milkshake and I have a straw..." They went through the outside wall? That's brutal. Video surveillance is cheaper these days. Might not discourage the masked marauder, however. They might even be filming themselves for YouTube self-entrapment, later on... come to think of it.

The movie, Jesus' Son, with Billy Crudup, playing the anti-hero "F*_face," has a scene where he and his cowboy drinking (and H-shooting) buddy drive their VW bug to a housing development and hack into the dry walls for the copper leads. One night's debauch is thereby furnished. Also, something else, I'll save for the future watcher. The lives of those who are reduced to pinching metal with brute force methods of extraction are already so wretched, it's probably best to think of some other way to preclude the attraction. I appreciate your mitigation of the voltage.

[I had some bum recently pee on the front door, here, but the effluvium got inside the building! I saw the dribble of liquid roll into the vestibule carpet, as I was typing in the office next to it, and the door to that entryway was open. Don't know why I looked. I ran to the peep hole (; and saw the bleary-eyed face of a hobo, obviously in flagrante eliminatio... I flung open the door, pretending not to know how close he was. I think a little spray could have gotten on his trouser. Read him the riot act. Then I felt like a terd, since he was just seeking the privacy of my recessed threshold. He was utterly unphased, however. I had to lay new carpet after disinfecting the door and floor, just to feel clean... Did I think about electifying the front door (which is all metal)? Who knows? (l; But, for now, there's no 3rd rail entrance...]

Someone can have a heart attack while being tased, however. I don't know this comparison or if some tasers are able to be put on "stun..."

By the way, this film, Jesus' Son, has a beautiful soundtrack, too, with a track from the Louvin Bros eerie, retro-Gospel number, "S[bomb] Is Real," during a moment of intuitive and dreamy wandering around the subways and els of San Francisco.

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Post: # 18696Unread post mossboss
Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:46 am


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Post: # 18706Unread post Aussie0zborn
Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:10 am

They put a hole iin the brick wall??? Re tous poustides!

Same thing happens everywhere. BTW... your links dont work.

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Post: # 18746Unread post Steve E.
Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:09 pm

This is horrible. So sorry.

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Post: # 18748Unread post mossboss
Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:18 pm

We are back pressing again with a sigh of relief but it got no better
Well guys it gets worse
The pricks have broken into our offices two days ago and they stole all our computers including our outboard back up stuff
I am really pissed as all our databases have Gone
They wouldn't even get $100 for the stolen stuff but the damage they caused is beyond belief
Not happy

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Post: # 18753Unread post opcode66
Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:37 pm

Crusher. WTF? Makes me so mad. You don't deserve this shit at all Mossy. If I can help in any way let me know. I can't restore stolen data but I can help you get your data structures recreated. Let me know. Sorry to hear this man.
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Post: # 18755Unread post Aussie0zborn
Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:57 pm

That's bad news. Sorry to hear.

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Post: # 18771Unread post Angus McCarthy
Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:48 am

Stupid people trying for easy cash never cease to amaze me. There have been reports of fools ripping down live power cables and chopping up beloved bronze statues for scrap. Unbelievable.

I suppose the only other measure you could take would be to install a slough of obviously placed security cameras - and a few subtle ones they won't rip down! :roll:

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Post: # 18773Unread post mossboss
Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:28 pm

Yeah have all that The police are inundated
They got footage may be they get them may be not
Not the point is it?
The disruption is way beyond the apprehension of these low life's
What can one do? Grin and bare it

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