DIY advance balls (again)

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DIY advance balls (again)

Post: # 29353Unread post aaron
Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:59 am

I found some old threads about DIY advance balls, I think markrob said he tried a glass bead, and someone else tried a bearing.

Has anyone had any luck with this? I'm trying to find a good solution for this, because using a diamond with makrolon blanks and no vacuum hold-down is getting a bit hard. The blanks are never perfectly flat, and I find that the really bad ones have a groove depth that varies. Just seeing if anyone has had a good DIY solution for this. I'm using a Presto 1C on a DIY lathe.

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Fela Borbone
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Re: DIY advance balls (again)

Post: # 29361Unread post Fela Borbone
Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:13 pm

Maybe extracting the rigth bearing from an scratch precision machine (Hard disc drve, video head,etc)
I wonder how the advance balls are lubricated, and protected from outside products.
I had no luck with the above, but I read somewhere about a lathe with an skate instead of ball. It was covered with a cloth or alike tho minimise friction noises.

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Re: DIY advance balls (again)

Post: # 29508Unread post audadvnc
Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:15 pm

The manufactured advance balls work way better. Get a real one if you can find it.

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