how to pirate a record using silicone

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how to pirate a record using silicone

Post: # 391Unread post Steve E.
Fri May 19, 2006 5:27 pm

I can't tell if this is a joke. Someone please try it and report. It's hilarious, anyway.

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no joke

Post: # 392Unread post buckettovsissors
Sat May 20, 2006 4:03 am

this is no joke i succsessfully made a negative with really gooey wood glue ,the experment with normal white glue was not as succsessfull, but that was due to me not waiting untill it was compleatly dry,but i could defently tell that the wood glue works much better, kinda like a rubbery negative flexi.
my next project is to get a buckett of wood glue order one copy or a 7" send the recording in backwards and make a bunch of negaitve positives.

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Post: # 411Unread post Aussie0zborn
Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:47 am

This is no joke, This is essentially how records are made. As an experiment, we once silvered a 12" vinyl record and electro-plated it to make a stamper. The edges were way too rough and after a few pressings, the stamper was unusable. So, it is possible to take a vinyl record and use it as a matrice. The vinyl record after all, is a replica of the master disc that was cut on lacquer.

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Post: # 413Unread post buckettovsissors
Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:34 am

yea i made a few , they are more like antirecords but they are great, if I use a bunch of PVA then they are not as wavey, I also broke up some 45s from the flea market and fit them together carfully and then made a negative out of it, VERY antirecord ,but great , i just have to get a little better with the techniqie . Anyway there is a video of the needle bouncing here

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Post: # 415Unread post cementimental
Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:28 pm

maybe hot glue from a gluegun would work?? Wouldn't have to wait so long to dry as pva...

you could maybe apply it in a spiral on the rotating record!? Or melt a load of it in a pan or somehting?? hmmm

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Post: # 416Unread post Steve E.
Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:54 pm

I guess I'm wondering if any records made from this mold actually play....and if they do, how good do they sound?

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Post: # 419Unread post buckettovsissors
Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:46 pm

the bouncy one in the video plays great :)
naw really i made one that is flat, that doesnt bounce, but it has some bubbles that where really hard to remmove it kinda makes a lock groove effect in some parts thats with PVA , but I tried again with a cheap PVA and I applied some paper directly after putting the glue down and carfully rolled a glass over, worked pertty good execpt paper curls up , hahaha same bouncing needle effect! next i will use some cardboard ,should work better, and the cheap PVA wood glue was even transparent when it dryed. About sound well the first one with normal wood glue sounds pertty good, but not as good as the orginal, i think it lost some dynamics, but no hissing or whatever, good volume. I just got some mold silicon in the mail today, ill let you know the results,

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Post: # 422Unread post buckettovsissors
Sat Jun 10, 2006 10:38 am

oh yea,
hot glue wouldnt work cuz it trys way too hard then it will break
its way toooo brittle.
wood glue and normal glue isnt really too hard when it drys.

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