A bit on the BBC about my project in Europe

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A bit on the BBC about my project in Europe

Post: # 47968Unread post piaptk
Sat Sep 30, 2017 3:03 pm

Hey everyone, here is a bit on the BBC The World Tonight Program about my European tour with one of my favorite songwriters doing battery powered field recordings and custom request records after the shows. It's the show closer and starts at about 38:00 (you can skip to the end).

Supposedly the first thing played on the BBC straight from vinyl in 50 years (the editor put the program together and had me cut it). Not sure where the static at the beginning came from (wasn't in the cut). The cut was done on a lacquer on a modified Presto k11 (many thanks to Kris Dorr, Todd Mariana, Mark robinson, and Rich Flores for assistance on this project!) in a dark London club in a super hurry and with very weird playback monitoring, but shockingly came out pretty nice under those circumstances!

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Re: A bit on the BBC about my project in Europe

Post: # 47969Unread post markrob
Sat Sep 30, 2017 3:15 pm

Hi Mike,

Great stuff! Glad that it all seems to be working. I'm sure that was quite a fire drill to get completed, shipped and have it arrive in one piece.


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Re: A bit on the BBC about my project in Europe

Post: # 47972Unread post ilium
Sun Oct 01, 2017 8:32 am

piaptk wrote:Not sure where the static at the beginning came from (wasn't in the cut).
Seems like they added it to signal that the audio was changing because otherwise the listener probably would not really notice.. I think she says at the end "I can't cope with the static" even though there's really only a few pops here and there.

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Re: A bit on the BBC about my project in Europe

Post: # 48039Unread post Stevie342000
Sat Oct 07, 2017 4:00 am

piaptk wrote:
Supposedly the first thing played on the BBC straight from vinyl in 50 years (the editor put the program together and had me cut it).

Would the above be truly accurate or is this more false facts as it suggests that the BBC in 1967 were not using vinyl as their primary playback source in radio shows or taped programs?

The way this is worded suggests that the BBC had moved over to digital equipment i.e. CD as their primary source for programming in 1967. How does that work when CD was not commercially available until 1982. Can we please be more accurate with how we report facts and information?

I am not interested nor do I care what the US radio or television networks were doing they probably were of course using Digital sources in 1967 but please do not suggest that the BBC was doing something it was not in 1967.

After all it helps to add to a nation that has such a short history and claims to have invented everything as part of their benefit in order to support that theory. In order to support their imperialistic tendencies wrapped up in national pride and pledging allegiance to a flag. Whilst nationally not being aware of much that goes on globally or even in the next state. In order to support the theory that they are superior and their way is the best way or only way.

To prove the point that the BBC was using vinyl in 1967 and not as you suggested a digital source, last week end was the 50th Anniversary of the launch of Radio One, the programme was broadcast replicating the discs that were played in the same order and they used turntables to prove the point. Which rather negates your false facts and truth.

As a young nation you have a lot to learn and you need to get over yourselves, the fact that you are not globally loved as perceived in your own eyes should come as no surprise. Your bullying, bombastic approach and poking your noses into other nations affairs trying to impose you model or system on to others is bound to cause problems but thinking your way is the only way is and that it is not perceived so everywhere is. When you do not and nor do we understand the finer cultural understanding in that which we interfere.

Most inventions in the UK have the benefit of being invented in the UK but a lot of inventions were by people from Scotland which is not England but is the UK. So we are as bad at it as you are.

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Re: A bit on the BBC about my project in Europe

Post: # 48041Unread post MEGAMIKE
Sat Oct 07, 2017 8:12 am

Did somebody not get an invite

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Re: A bit on the BBC about my project in Europe

Post: # 48042Unread post Soulbear
Sat Oct 07, 2017 9:07 am

Hi There,
Stevie342000 wrote: piaptk wrote:

Supposedly the first thing played on the BBC straight from vinyl in 50 years (the editor put the program together and had me cut it).


Would the above be truly accurate or is this more false facts as it suggests that the BBC in 1967 were not using vinyl as their primary playback source in radio shows or taped programs?
Really??? Stevie342000 I'd suggest perhaps you've somehow misinterpreted what was being demonstrated here. I think the point being made was that "The BBC Report" documenting Mikes particpation in Michael Nau's European Tour was the first such report to be broadcast FROM a Vinyl/Lacquer Source for over 50 years. As Mike points out, the interviews and explanations were recorded by the BEEB and then commited and cut onto a LACQUER by Mike himself, for the subsequent Broadcast. The Broadcast of the resultant Report from this Lacquer was what was referred to as the 1st in 50years. This obviously after Broadcasts from Lacquer Sources being supercseded in the main by "Tape Recordings". I dont think Digital really got a mention, remember, try to pay attention and read and listen propperly, or we might Trolls think you're afflicted in some way.

"The memory and intellectual faculties, in general, are enfeebled, and there are instances of complete idiocy, brought on by early and continued onanism, and of insanity from similar excesses later in life. -- The Eclectic Journal of Medicine. Vol 3, No 4. Nov 1894. Haswell, Barrington, and Haswell: Philadelphia. p145"
Regards :wink: :P :D Soulbear

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Re: A bit on the BBC about my project in Europe

Post: # 48043Unread post Stevie342000
Sat Oct 07, 2017 9:42 am

Why would I need an invite when I am employed by the them as a Freelancer. Really this is about misinformation, the way it is written is misleading, it suggests that the BBC moved over to digital as there source medium 50 years ago.

You know ignorant todays generation is in doing research they take everything the read as gospel with out questioning or reasoning because it must be true it is on the internet.

All I am saying is that it is sloppy at best. It also suggests that this is ground breaking it is not it's just the wheel coming round full circle, the BBC often use discs. So what is this program so revolutionary about this BBC program, I did not listen to it (can not abide the drone that comes out most Ex colonial mouths and the condescension).

Are you suggesting that it was the first time that a program was cut to disc for Broadcast in the last 50 years? If so I would think it was more than 50 years since that was done when the BBC moved over to tape in the 1950s. I know maths is not my best subject but that is more than 50 years ago. The BBC did not as far as I know cut to disc for home broadcast after the introduction of tape as source/programme medium, however it did continue to do so for World Service and over seas broadcasts across the commonwealth where stability of the mains supply or no access to tape machines.

After 78 rpms discs were manufactured well into the 1960s in India as they were across much of the globe, as there was no mains electricity supply across the country and this is still the case today, whilst it may be developing it is still a third world nation in many respects. So if what you mean is that it is the 1st time in 50 years that a to disc programme has been created and broadcast that would be correct but I think it would be longer than that in the UK. But the way it reads is that its the first time in the UK in 50 years direct from disc. But hey ho I should not really comment as I have not listened to the program.

Nah my antipodean fellow, I just can not abide Americans as a collective on an individual basis assuming maybe if they are edjucated. Any more than I can stand unedgicated from this nation or any other. I have loathing of inaccurate information which the web is full of and this suggested that it was inaccurate and the ad hominem comments are a reflection of my dislike of same said folk who claim to have invented everything including the wheel and have an over inflated opinion of themselves their nation and what they perceive as the right way and the way it's foisted on everyone else by stealth and brute force.

Apart from which I really I do not care for people much at all think the majority are a waste of space and the worst thing that ever happened to the planet. Nothing but a bunch of locusts, the exemplar being the aforementioned said nation.

What I am really saying is I think that as a nation they are thick and kept that way by the insular views of the world and the people who have the money and the power. It's not any better here either.

Nah afraid not Soulbear, I am not afflicted or at least I think not but do not mistake me for someone who gives a flying fig. I'm only saying for those of us that can not listen to the program as not all BBC content is available globally and for any length of time either that the way it is worded is wrong.

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Re: A bit on the BBC about my project in Europe

Post: # 48044Unread post markrob
Sat Oct 07, 2017 9:58 am


Maybe you should take a listen (as Soulbear suggested) to the link provided. Mike was just repeating what the BBC announcer said. You seem to have issued a preconceived response to the post without doing any due diligence.


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Re: A bit on the BBC about my project in Europe

Post: # 48045Unread post Stevie342000
Sat Oct 07, 2017 11:00 am

Maybe I should maybe I should not, your talking to some one who not really that interested in listening too said programme, maybe I am right maybe I am wrong but repeating something just because some one else said it does not mean that what was said was right in the repeating of what is a falsehood in the first place. So the myth lives on.

I am not interested in listening to it, just that the perpetuation of incorrect facts which are open to misinterpretation as reported. As there was no reference to said project in Europe to which I knew little and what there was said did not inspire me to go find out more. The link will only be live for so long before it is taken off and will no longer be there to listen to.

I have no more to say on the subject, neither do I care nor am I interested. Keep up the dreams and the myths, this forum is not what it used to be.

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Re: A bit on the BBC about my project in Europe

Post: # 48105Unread post piaptk
Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:03 pm

Stevie342000 wrote: I have no more to say on the subject, neither do I care nor am I interested. Keep up the dreams and the myths, this forum is not what it used to be.
Well, happy to hear you have no more to say on the subject.

And it seems you are trying to keep it what it used to be... a bunch of grumpy a-holes telling everybody to get off their lawn, rather than decent, reasonable people sharing information and promoting the craft.
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Re: A bit on the BBC about my project in Europe

Post: # 48107Unread post Gridlock
Wed Oct 11, 2017 6:21 pm

Recordette Sr.......Presto K-8

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