question not about cutting (tube amp board pcb cloning)

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question not about cutting (tube amp board pcb cloning)

Post: # 23863Unread post studiorp
Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:13 pm

Hello people, is there someone that knows who can produce the exact reply of a tube amp board pcb ?

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Re: question not about cutting

Post: # 23868Unread post Serif
Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:20 pm

Do you have the board or its cadaver already that you want to clone? If it's not too damaged, you could unpack all the components and then scan the board to get (as much of) the track image (as possible). Then fill in the rest with an Intuous pen or similar (on screen, in software). Then reverse the image in SnapShop and print it onto transfer film using ordinary xerox type black toner. Then iron the transfer ink pattern onto a raw copper clad pcb. This makes the mask which protects the tracks while you etch off the rest of the copper cladding from the new pcb using Ferric Chloride. Then you remove the toner trace with acetone. You'd have to drill little holes and source sockets for the tubes. But those are not made of Unobtainium.
Even if you only have a schemo, you could devise your own tracks on screen. ?

Good luck,
Serif (at Dingbat)

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Re: question not about cutting

Post: # 23871Unread post powerstrip
Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:06 pm


holy crap man, i don't think anyone was ready for that. Amazing input.

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Re: question not about cutting

Post: # 23877Unread post studiorp
Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:37 am

I have a pcb that came from an Acrosound Stereo 120 tube amp.
The board is in good condition ( considering the age... ), but the tracks are separating from the circuit, and this is very dangerous, because the DC values for example about anode current are 430V for each power tube .

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Re: question not about cutting

Post: # 23878Unread post bancho
Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:25 am

If you have or you can get schematics you can mak pcb from scratch. Use some kind of program such as EAGLE, make gerber and send it to someone who has cnc machine. You can also contact Greg from Drip electronics... he might help you.

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Re: question not about cutting

Post: # 23882Unread post studiorp
Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:36 am

Thanks for these helps; yes, I have all manual included schematics.
I will try to do as you say.

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