Converting R-O-K lathe with (TKV) stereo head

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Converting R-O-K lathe with (TKV) stereo head

Post: # 62176Unread post Luna
Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:11 am

Hi Lathe-Troll members,

At the moment i am considering buying a ROK and converting it into a stereo recorder by installing a stereo cutter head. I have a few questions and hopefully there is someone on this forum that can answer them.

If you could answer these few questions i will be very grateful :-)

My main question will be, is there some one who had success with converting the ROK into a stereo recorder and have a good sound produced from it?

What sound does the R-O-K produces when it cuts with a stereo head, would it be possible to share a audio sample? Preferred a recording with some different dynamics intro/quiter/louder parts in the song. But any other song or sound will do if this is not possible.
My main concern would be too much rumbling low sound/hum. So it would be nice to hear a sample so i can have a better insight.

For the conversion i'm thinking of a TKV stereo head. Anyone has thoughts about this?

Maybe some tips or warnings that can be shared before starting this journey?

Kind regards,

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Re: Converting R-O-K lathe with (TKV) stereo head

Post: # 62182Unread post apoklis
Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:34 pm

OK here's what I'm thinking , Slow down a minute. the T KV heads are fine. They put out a really nice sound a little lower volume then studio levels with and individualized curve for each head. They aren't going anywhere. In a year Mike will still have some for sale or Konstantine will still be making them. So, let's start with the ROK. Which rok is it? How many lines per inch can it cut? Does it have a crank? Are you buying it from lathe restored or is it a closet find? These things will make a difference. First get a lathe that has a crank. Maybe variable feed screws. Then use the mono head that's with it. This will save you a lot expense while you are learning how the lathe operates. The rumble that you are concerned with is problem the idler wheels on the turntable. Do you want to have terry rebuild them or change to a belt drive with outside motor? Do want to buy a outside setup done by someone else or build one yourself? The hum would be a ground or in your eq chain or in the ROK amp if your are using it the old tube amp in it. Do you recap your amp or buy an external amp that’s solid state? These are thing you will find out and figure out as you go . There is no cheap, either time or money , way to learn this stuff. Its like sex . Reading about it and doing it are two different things. This site is full of friendly and helpful people . Its a great resource . They have help me many times. If I were starting over the first thing I would do is get a lathe and get it working so I could emboss a silent groove . I would emboss at first to get the hang of the how’s and whys of it without adding the expense and complications of adding heat and vac and 300 dallor styles to it.
So to answer your question, Yes it can be done with pretty good resalts . Tonyd posted pic of his years ago. He also posted pics of a tkv on a k8 embossing. But the key to the recording isnt all the head. Get the lathe. Work with it, and see what it, and you can do.

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Re: Converting R-O-K lathe with (TKV) stereo head

Post: # 62184Unread post Luna
Sat Jan 21, 2023 12:57 pm

Hi there,

Thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts, i appreciate it allot!.

I'm talking about a fully restored ROK challenger with m12 overhead, crank (17 mins per 33 rpm 12 inch) with lead in/out, adjustable counterweight and a outside beltdrive, Besides that i would like to buy a external amp and TKV cutterhead, with diamond stylus, vacuum etc. for cutting vinyls,

Before i do any move trying to cut stereo i would definitely start embossing first and get the hand of it.
I am not worried about the quality of the TKV cutter head. I'm more worried if the machine (or i myself ) can produce a nice ''clean'' sound, without to much noise, low rumble etc,

I have many years of experience producing and mixing and mastering my own music, i guess this will help me a little for understanding the basics for running signals through the machine. Ofcourse i understand that working with these machines is a whole different ballgame.

My wish is to have clean stereo cuts, probably using myshank disks.
Question are these blanks good for DJ's? Assuming that emboss disks can be a problem for DJ's and easily skip?

May i ask, do you know someone who could share a audio sample from a ROK (or something similar) with a stereo head (doesn't have to be TKV stereo head)? Or any one else? If preferred, please pm me personally.

Much appreciated

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Re: Converting R-O-K lathe with (TKV) stereo head

Post: # 62185Unread post apoklis
Sat Jan 21, 2023 1:47 pm

No, embossing dosent work well with scratching or dj s. The problem is that when you CUT , you take away material .Leaving a groove and the flat of the record . When you Emboss , you are carving a groove and the excess plactic is pushed to the sides , leaving a small hill .When the two grooves are made next to each other this leaves two hills next to each other. These two hills have now formed a groove between the embossed grooves .So when you drop a needle on the disk ther is good chance that it lands between the embossed grooves in this new formed valley. Its can be fixed just by bumping the needle into the embossed groove, but not ideal for djs or jukeboxes. also embossed arent as deep so scrathing is easyer . Cutting on myshanks work fine though. I like there blanks . The only promblems i have with them is US customs taking so long to let them through.

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Re: Converting R-O-K lathe with (TKV) stereo head

Post: # 62190Unread post Luna
Sun Jan 22, 2023 7:08 am

Thanks you so much! It makes allot of sens :-)

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Re: Converting R-O-K lathe with (TKV) stereo head

Post: # 62199Unread post piaptk
Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:12 am

Jed in Poland makes a lot of mods that would help with modding a ROK for diamond cutting, and I sell those mods along with being a US distributor for TKV stereo cutterheads. a ROK is probably the least expensive lathe that will handle diamond cutting for stereo. So, if that is your absolute goal and your budget is tight (relatively, it still ain't cheap), this is possible. email me at LatheCuts-AAAATTT-Yahooooooo-dawtcawm if you are interested in anything.
I Buy/Sell/Restore Vintage Machines/Parts and Provide Phone/In Person Tech Support

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